SoBran BioScience was proud to sponsor and present the Grand Prize Winner for the Innovation for Impact Prize 2018 at Maryland Tech Council’s 30th Anniversary Industry Awards Celebration this past May.
Congratulations to Dr. Emily English, Matthew Boxer, Ph.D. and Joshua Y.C. Yang along with the other award winners at this event.
It was a wonderful evening celebrating the transformational science coming out of Maryland and the surrounding area.
Please enjoy and share the pictures.

Innovation for Impact Grand Prize Winner: Dr. Emily English Chief Operating Officer – Gemstone Biotherapeutics, LLC

Innovation for Impact Prize Finalist: Matthew Boxer Ph.D. Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer – Veralox Therapeutics

Innovation for Impact Prize Finalist: Joshua Y.C. Yang Chief Executive Officer – Helispot, Inc.

All the winners onstage with SoBran’s Simon Selwood Ph.D. and Maryland Tech Council’s Tammi Howie

Innovation for Impact Prize Winners

The Innovation for Impact Grand Prize “award”

Enjoying the MTC Awards Dinner