Employee of the Quarter: Patrick Hunter (July – September 2022)

Employee of the Quarter

SoBran, Inc. is delighted to announce that Patrick Hunter has been chosen as this past quarter’s recipient of the Employee of the Quarter Award (July-September 2022).

Patrick works in the IT Department at SoBran’s federal government property reutilization and disposal site. During this past quarter, he performed well beyond his normal duties by testing twice the normal amount of property while also addressing client requested technical issues with exceedingly satisfactory results. Due to his consistent desire to improve upon his skills, as well as share his knowledge with his coworkers and others, Patrick is well respected by his peers and client staff.

In recognition of his outstanding performance, dedication, and professionalism, he will receive a plaque, $250.00 Visa card, and one paid day off.

We are so proud to have Patrick as a member of the SoBran Team. We certainly hope he continues the good work in the years to come.

Congratulations to Patrick!

Patrick’s performance should inspire us all to grow together and reach new heights towards the common goal of making SoBran a better organization.

You can find more information on the Employee of the Quarter below.

Download the Employee of the Quarter Program and Criteria Information

Download the Nomination Form